We serve the Catholic Church, responding to the call of the bishops, according to the various requests made to us in the world. We accomplish these calls to service, according to our charism.


Fr. Mollison (a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver) began the Regina Caeli Hermitage project in the 1980s, building small prayer cabins in order to let visitors experience God’s love and mercy in silence and solitude. The Regina Caeli Hermitage was passed on to the Brothers of Saint John in 2002. The community completed construction on the Dome House building begun by Father Mollison, and this became the Desert House for the U.S. Region of the Brothers of Saint John. Apart from two months of novitiate experiencing the “desert,” which usually takes place from June to August, the Regina Caeli Hermitage, steeped in the fervent prayer of young religious, is available to groups that desire to hold retreats in a silent, peaceful place. Surrounded by the beauty of nature and soaked with a monastic spirit, the Regina Caeli Hermitage offers a beautiful atmosphere for encountering God. If Providence blesses our efforts, in a few years we hope to have restored several prayer cabins, which would be available for individual silent retreats.


Eagle Eye Ministries provides in-depth formation in the Christian life for young people (teens, young adults and young professionals) through excursions, pilgrimages, summer institutes and more.


All programs are focused on bringing young people to an authentic encounter with Christ in Faith; providing rigorous intellectual formation in the light of God’s word and the Philosophy of Aristotle; fostering authentic expressions of human culture; and allowing them the experience of community which will allow real friendships and support on the path to holiness.


Campus Ministry is an integral part of the Community of Saint John’s apostolic outreach to young people. Members are currently serving at Seton Hall University, the Texas A&M International University, and Laredo Community College.


Their primary mission is to touch the hearts and minds of the young adults, at the most critical moment in their lives, and bring them to faith, hope, and love in the person of Jesus Christ.


In addition to our primary mission, the Community of Saint John has been invited to bring the spirit of Saint John to parish life in some of its priories. They are currently serving at: Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Orange, New Jersey and St. Ignatius of Loyola in Denver, Colorado.


In order to fulfill the call of the New Evangelization, we must prepare the next generation of lay leaders to be savvy and devout in their abilities. The Saint John Institute sets the gold standard for ministry formation, education, and preparation for our future leaders.