Discover the Brother’s Retreat

  On October 12-14, 2018 the Brothers of Saint John will have the first ever “Discover the Brothers” retreat. This is a weekend where young guys between 18 and 35 can come to the priory in Princeville and see for themselves what life is like inside the monastery. Come from Friday through Sunday in Princeville, Illinois, […]

A Call for Fasting

The Brothers of Saint John support the many Bishops, priests and religious communities that call for full transparency in light of the scandals that have hit the Catholic Church in the United States. Let us all offers up acts of penance and prayers for the victims. Let us also pray for our leaders in our […]

An Inner City Religious Education Program

Written by Br. Daniel Kolbe   If one listens to the oracles of the age you could easily think that the church and western civilization is in a death spiral. If that idea may be lurking in the dark recesses of your mind, allow me to share with you a little story about God’s faithfulness. […]

A Fire So Bright

Written By Br. Michael Mary Resendiz, CSJ               In Laredo, Texas it is hot. From May until August the average “HIGH” has been 97.5° F. To put that into a global perspective, look at other heat medians from the same time period: Tuscon, AZ – 97.3 degrees; Calcutta, India – 93 degrees; Jacksonville, FL […]

Jesus the Bridegroom

By Br. Jesus Introduction When Christ is spoken of as the groom of the Church, most people immediately connect it to religious nuns. They never think of themselves as the bride of Christ. However, all members of the Church are the bride of Christ, including men and women united in marriage. For a man it is more difficult to see […]

Saint John on Spiritual Combat With Ourselves

By Fr. John-Luke Saint John has a great importance in Christian spirituality, and one of his many contributions is giving us an example of Christian Hope.  If there is one thing that stands out in St John’s personality it is that he is a fighter, the characteristic of the person who lives by Hope.  John, […]

Making a Catholic Children’s Book

By Br. Gabriel María, St. John Priory, Laredo Over the last year and a half I have had the privilege of working on a storybook for Catholic children. The book is called The Littlest Bread, and follows the adventures of Hostie, a (unconsecrated!) communion host accidentally abandoned in a convent bakery. Though snubbed by his […]

Fr. John Therese Creus Rides the Rockies

Fr. John Therese Creus will be doing the Ride the Rockies 2018 bike tour from June 9 – 15. The tour will cover over 400 miles of mountain terrain (check out this itinerary). Fr. John Therese will be with Team y House which is under the umbrella of the Catholic Charities of Denver. This team […]

The Blessed Virgin Mary – Revealed in Scripture

Written by Fr. John Michael Paul, CSJ Let us reflect on the scriptures to see how deeper reflection can unveil to us an aspect of the Mystery of Mary’s motherhood. For this reflection we will look at Numbers 6:22-27 and Psalm 67.   Numbers 6:22-27 The LORD said to Moses:  “Speak to Aaron and his […]