Homily On Saint John
Thank you Saint John for writing in your epistle that we heard just before the Gospel reading that you desire for our joy to be complete. In fact…you know very well that joy is both the fruit of a journey…it’s like a path and it is also the fruit of our choice to live in […]
Jesus And Prayer
By Father John-Luke We often have questions about how to pray, and rarely do we have the tendency to look to Jesus in order to receive what He wants to teach us about prayer. Yet, in the Gospels, we see that Jesus both prayed and gave teachings about prayer. In the Gospel according to Matthew, […]
Who Was Saint John?
The Community of Saint John seeks to live the charisms of Saint John. The members of the Community of Saint John seek to live fully the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the spirit the Gospel of Saint John. But who was Saint John? For the three former fishermen—Peter, James and John—that […]
Behold Thy Mother
By Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet It belongs to the Beloved Disciple, the dear son of the Blessed Virgin and the first of the children Jesus gave to her at the Cross, to tell us of the mystery of her marvelous fertility: “A great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon […]