Theological Landscape of Middle Earth

By Brother Francis of the Child Jesus

My new book on theology in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy has been published! The book is titled Theological Landscape of Middle Earth: On Theology in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Fantasy and it has just been published by Newman House Press.

Fantasy may be a nice entertainment. But not only: fantasy can convey the deepest questions of human heart, including religious and theological ones, and responses expressed in the way which would not be possible in any other way, namely, through mythological archetypes and symbols. This book explores those contained in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy, especially in “The Lord of the Rings.”

The book is available at Lulu and is coming soon at Amazon and Newman House Press.

For those in Denver, on August 26th there will be an Author Presentation and Book Signing event at Saint John Institute, see the attached information.

On the same occasion, some news on my immediate future: just recently I have been granted permission by the authorities of the Brothers of Saint John to live on the grounds of the Regina Caeli Hermitage ( permanently, in view of discerning a call to a hermitical way of life and facilitating the Denver Priory Brothers’ efforts to preach retreats at the RCH. This change will take place in September; the “Peace” hermitage is where I will live and is currently undergoing works:

If you would like to support my new mission, especially at this time as I work towards finishing the hermitage before the winter, please know that I would greatly appreciate any donation, large or small – every little helps!: (The Congregation of Saint John is a non-profit religious organization and so for every donation of over $250 a Tax Receipt will be delivered.)

My fond memories go to each and every one of you. May God bless you abundantly!