Inviting all High School Boys from the ages of 14-18 to a weekend filled with spiritual and insightful teachings on what it means to be a Man of God in today’s world.
Real Men Wait takes place September 20-22, 2019 @ The Holy Spirit Retreat Center with The Brothers of St. John in Laredo, TX. This retreat includes perfect opportunities for an encounter of Our Lord Jesus Christ to strike the hearts of these retreatants.
Real Men Wait will be accepting 40 retreatants. The Cost of the Retreat is $120 per applicant and must be brought to the Holy Spirit Retreat Center with the Brothers of St. John during office hours. The location is 501 Century Dr. S, Laredo, TX 78046. Office Hours are from 9:00-3:00 p.m.
By the Grace of God, word has gone around to many people that are excited for this retreat! Therefore, guaranteed spots are only for those who pay the full amount. If any questions arise, please contact us for further information via email at realmenwaitretreat@gmail.com
Once signed up, we will be e-mailing you for further information needed and a confirmation message as well!