A Fire So Bright

Written By Br. Michael Mary Resendiz, CSJ


            In Laredo, Texas it is hot. From May until August the average “HIGH” has been 97.5° F. To put that into a global perspective, look at other heat medians from the same time period: Tuscon, AZ – 97.3 degrees; Calcutta, India – 93 degrees; Jacksonville, FL – 89.8 degrees; Cairo, Egypt – 94.25 degrees. If you’re driving through Laredo, make sure you’re A/C is working properly!

If you happen to be staying longer, you’ll notice that the sweltering heat doesn’t kill all the activity, however, and certainly not if you’re Catholic. There is an event, or retreat rather, that is taking place for high school guys called the Real Men Wait Retreat” from September 29 – 30, 2018. The Brothers of St John in Laredo have recently revived this retreat in order to minister to the youth, high school-aged males, who are subject to forces contrary to the Gospel.  For Real Men Wait to take place, twenty-four adult men (both single and married) with two college student directors have enlisted themselves onto the team to put on this retreat. Under the patronage of St. John Paul II, they form themselves in prayer, community, service, and theology of the body for 10 weeks with the Brothers of St. John before the retreat takes place. As a vast majority of the team are in college they hope to pass along to their “younger brothers” the exhortation of St. Paul to Timothy:


Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”  – 1 Tim 4:12


            If you would like to pray for a retreatant or if you have any questions about the Real Men Wait Retreat, please contact Br. Michael Mary at: